Meet Berlynn Gonzalez

Meet Berlynn Gonzalez

My name is Berlynn Gonzalez. I’m currently 16 years old and i’m from Corona, California. I started dancing competitively at the age of 10 and i’ve been in love with it ever since! At the age of 13 i started training at OCPAA in Anaheim, California. It was here that I decided I wanted to take dance more seriously so I tried out for their pre professional program called OC pro. I am now on year 2 of being apart of OC pro and i’m so extremely grateful for the opportunities it’s brought me. I learn from some of the best. Through dance I’ve been able to accomplish a lot. From winning titles, winning competitions, receiving scholarships, to having the privilege of being apart of assistant programs and now this! i’m ecstatic to have this opportunity with KAR. KAR was one of the first conventions/ competitions I had ever been to.
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